
编辑: 时间:2023-03-29 15:49:50


England Penalty: The Art, Science and Story Behind the Elusive Goal Introduction What is it about England penalties that conjures up memories of iconic misses and nail-biting shootouts? From Chris Waddle at the 1990 World Cup to Gareth Southgate at Euro 96, England's penalty history is a tale of heartbreak and hope. But what is the art and science behind England's penalty-taking? Let's explore. The Art of Penalty-Taking While there is no surefire way to score a penalty, there are some techniques that can increase the likelihood of success. Firstly, keeping calm and composed is essential. Many players rush their run-up or take the penalty with too much power, leading to missed shots. Secondly, practicing different types of penalties- such as side-footing, chipping or placing the ball in the corner- can give the goalkeeper more to think about, making it harder for them to predict the shot. The Science of Penalty-Taking Inevitably, psychology plays a huge role in penalty-taking. The pressure to score a penalty can become overwhelming, leading to debilitating nerves and missed opportunities. To address this, some players use mental imagery techniques to visualize themselves scoring the penalty before they step up. Others use mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to keep their anxiety under control. The Story of England Penalties From the infamous \"Hand of God\" incident in the 1986 World Cup to the dramatic shootouts of the 1990 and 1996 tournaments, England's penalty-taking has been ripe with drama and tension. However, recent years have seen a turnaround in their fortunes. In the 2018 World Cup, England won their first ever penalty shootout at a World Cup, with their confident and composed performances marking a new era of English penalty-taking. Conclusion While England's penalty history has been fraught with missed opportunities, there is hope that a new era of confidence and success lies ahead. By perfecting their technique and mastering the psychology of penalty-taking, England can become a force to be reckoned with.。
